Sunday, October 18, 2009

Candy Co-Ed

A lil something that manifested herself in my sketchbook recently. Expect to see some ink and digi-paints on her sometime before the year is over... yeah, I like to give myself a lil extra time, heh.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Tronus de Milo

Recently Miss Stacey Owens bda Staceytron held an art jam on deviantART calling for artists' renditions of her popular character (based on her own curvaceous likeness), also named Staceytron. A being of pure sensual, sexual and creative energy, her curves (be they real or exaggerated) have inspired many artists on dA and I am no exception, but more so, I have been seduced by the imagination of this siren from Down Under. I call her writings describing the myth of Staceytron pure Geek Poetry. Below is my art jam entry, entitled DOWNLOADING...

And here, just a lil something I threw together on a sheet of 4x6. I call this one Tronus de Milo...

That's all, folks!
