Okay. So here's the thing. It's been over a year since I updated this thing. Seriously delinquent. So NOT winning. *Sheen Moment* But really tho, I'm trynna be better about this blogging business, altho I'd be lying if I didn't say Facebook is the cause of the majority of my timewastificaciousness. But I HAVE been busy, tho! If U haven't heard because we're not Facebook buddies, or you're not keeping up with me over on Deviant Art, *shame on U* I'm doing a lil sumthin called JUICED! And it involves women who look mysteriously like popular superhero /comic/video game babes, with that crucial EssBee ingredient, *thickener*. For example, Mary Marvel...

Yeah. That's right. And here's a lil commissioned sumthin I did back in November sometime for a co-worker. Let's see how U kiddies dig this one...

So the lead HAS been burning, albeit not as prolifically as it once did, but I'm workin on gettin there, so stay with me... oh, and bring a friend!!!
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