Yes, it's true, I've been rather delinquent in my updates to this blog-O-mine in recent months. but fear not, true believers, for change gon' come! What have I been up to? Just dealing with the every day that is my life. Y'know, part-time gig that isn't all it's cracked up to be, dealing with my parents' health concerns and all that goes with that, and my brain being inundated with so many ideas that it causes a work backlog/system freeze. I'll toss up a sketch of something I call "Brolic Panda" in the near future... I think it's hilarious, I think U all will as well. But that's in the offing... Let's talk about NOW! I'm going to post something that hasn't been upped on dA, or in my Yahoo group (yeah, I got a yahoo group for my art; what, U ain't knowin?) So Imma dig thru my vast stash of goodness and put somethin up... maybe a COUPLE pieces, even...
So dig it!

A sample of my skills done for a co-worker who is a DST.

Because the popular trend of mohawk haircuts so greatly disturb me, I created a superhero whose sole purpose is to eliminate them. Meet NOHAWK.
There. Done. As promised, two pieces that I have not shown anywhere else online. Who says the kid don't come thru? I'll be back soon with whatever it was Ipromised in that first paragraph, but until then, EXCELSIOR (big up to Stan Lee)!!!
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